-1. Synagogue

Page on synagogue
The page from “Utrecht en de Joden” on the synagogue


In the second half of the 18th century, at a time Jews were not yet allowed to settle in Utrecht, during the yearly fairs services were held in a guest-house  (see § 3). These services continued until a proper synagogue was opened. For that purpose a former Baptist church was rented in 1792 and bought in 1796.


In 1794 a congregation (kehillah) was established with endorsement of the members.

The cemetery at the Zandpad

A cemetery was purchased in 1807 and a Jewish primary school started in 1820.  A mikwe has functioned at the location of the synagogue ever since 1794

Sjoel  ca 1915 2
The synagogue of 1849 at some special occasion

The synagogue was reconstructed in 1849 (see image)  and again in 1926 (image in booklet).

A school was established in 1820. It functioned for religious and general education until 1870, afterwards only for religious education.

school 1906 NIG 2
The school around 1906

Some of the rabbi’s:

Hoofien and Tal (source: Het Utrechts archief)

Jacob Hoofien HUA105067
Justus Tal HUA106605

The main building of the synagoge was sold in 1981 and since 1984 it is the home of the Evangelical community “Stichting Zending en Opwekking”, under the name “Broodhuis” ( a Dutch equivalent of Hebrew Beth Lechem) (see: http://www.zendingenopwekking.nl/broodhuis.htm )

Among more, a series of original details of the synagogue is shown on their site: http://www.zendingenopwekking.nl/foto.html.